
2024 Installation of Officers


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2024 Installation of Officers

In a memorable ceremony on Thursday, January 4, 2024, The REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts (RACM) set the stage for an extraordinary year ahead with

2023 Annual Meeting Recap – Celebrating Achievements & Recognizing Excellence

[Boylston, MA] – [10/11/2023] – On Thursday, October 5, the REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts gathered at the picturesque Cyprian Keyes Golf Club in Boylston, MA, for its highly anticipated Annual Meeting. The event proved to be a momentous occasion as members and esteemed guests came together to reflect on a year of accomplishments, celebrate outstanding individuals, and discuss the future of the association.

REALTOR® Scholarships for 2023

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2023 Annual Meeting Recap – Celebrating Achievements & Recognizing Excellence

[Boylston, MA] – [10/11/2023] – On Thursday, October 5, 2023, the REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts gathered at the picturesque Cyprian Keyes Golf Club in Boylston, MA, for its highly anticipated Annual Meeting. The event proved to be a momentous occasion as members and esteemed guests came together to reflect on a year of accomplishments, celebrate outstanding individuals, and discuss the future of the association.

The Annual Meeting was made possible thanks to the generous support of our event sponsors, Cantiani Insurance Agency and MLS Property Information Network, whose contributions helped make this event a resounding success.

The proceedings were initiated by 2023 RACM President, Lee Joseph.  It was then led with great enthusiasm by David McCarthy, the 2023 MAR President, who led the assembly in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


Stacey Hamel, a RACM REALTOR®, delivered an inspirational message, motivating everyone in attendance to strive to make positive change in your communities, no matter the obstacles.  She also makes a point to remind everyone to check in with your loved ones who might be struggling with mental health. 


Konstantina Choros, Government Affairs Director (GAD), provided insights into the association’s 2023 RPAC efforts, highlighting the vital role of advocacy in the real estate industry.


Kathy McSweeney, the 2022 RACM President and the 2023 Chair of the Nominating Committee, unveiled the 2024 Slate of Officers and Directors, underlining the association’s commitment to effective leadership.


Sarah Gustafson, RACM’s 1st NAR Director, delivered an update on the latest developments at the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).


Theresa Hatton, Massachusetts Association of REALTORS® (MAR) CEO, shared a comprehensive MAR update, offering valuable insights into the real estate landscape.


Cherie Benoit, the 2023 President-Elect, provided an update on the association’s 2023 committee activities and initiatives.


The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Leif Rosseland, offering a transparent overview of the association’s financial standing and fiscal responsibility.


A highlight of the event was the presentation of the 2023 President Award, which was bestowed upon Leif Rosseland and the dedicated RACM staff in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the association.


Additionally, the event witnessed the presentation of two REALTOR® Own It Coins to Kathy McSweeney and Berkeley Wlodarczak, acknowledging their exemplary dedication and service to the Association and the REALTOR® brand itself.


Larry Rettig, Member Engagement Committee Chair, took the stage to recognize the recipients of Milestone Awards, Commitment to Excellence (C2EX) endorsed and renewed members, and NAR’s Fairhaven recognitions. These milestones are a testament to the commitment and dedication of members to their profession.


The following members were in attendance and honored for their years of service:

– 5 Years: [Gregory Buckingham, Siobhan Costello Weber, Kate Maher, Belmira Mendes, Melissa Monroe, Ben Montenegro, Liz Puchala]

– 10 Years: [Cherie Benoit, Allen Greenman, Patrick Kennedy, Dina Nichols, Irina Rosario Contreras, Nate Daniel Stewart]

– 15 Years: [Shannon Curll, Fiona Hoare, Chris Whitten]

– 20 Years: [Valerie Cohen, Michael Deluca, Lauren Demerjian, Lisa Jacobs, Laura Poulin-Harkins, Joseph Sama, Laura Tomaiolo, Luis Torres]

– 25 Years: [Julia Acquaah-Harrison, Kathy McSweeney, Lori, Stanikmas, Mary Stolarczyk]

– 30 Years: [Katherine Oftring]

– Lifetime Member: [Matteo Gentile]


As part of the REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts commitment to giving back to the community, our Charities of Choice were presented with a check of $4,000 each, proceeds from the 2023 Golf Tournament. Representatives from Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance and Friendly House, were both in attendance, expressed their gratitude for the continued support from RACM as the community continues to fight to reduce the high levels of homelessness in Central MA.


The 2023 Annual Meeting at Cyprian Keyes proved to be an exceptional gathering, reflecting the dedication, unity, and excellence of the REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts and its members. It was a day filled with inspiration and celebration, setting a promising course for the future of the association.


For more information or media inquiries, please contact:


Colleen Pappas, CEO

REALTOR® Association of Central Massachusetts
492 Washington Street 
Auburn, MA 01501 
(508) 832 – 6600

RACM’s Annual Meeting 2023

RACM’s Annual Meeting, Thursday, October 5, 2023

Register HERE!

RACM Legislative Breakfast 2023

RACM Legislative Breakfast on Friday, September 15, 2023, from 8 AM – 11 AM, at the Hogan Campus Center at the College of the Holy Cross, in Worcester, MA.


The breakfast will be in the Hogan Campus Center

Directions to the Hogan Campus Center By Car:

From the East and West (Boston, Hartford, and New York)

Massachusetts Turnpike I-90. Take Exit 10 to I-290 East toward Worcester. Take Exit 11 (College Square/Southbridge Street) off I-290. Cross over to the right lane immediately after coming off the ramp to College Square. Take the first right (before the traffic light) onto College Street. Go up the hill and enter the last gate on the left, Gate 7. The Hogan Campus Center is the second building on the left with the large silver cross on it. Visitor parking is to the right of the Campus Center.  GOOGLE may provide door-to-door driving instructions.

From the North

I-495 South to I-290 West, Exit 25B. From I-290 West take Exit 11 (College Square, Southbridge Street). Bear left coming off the ramp onto Southbridge Street. Take the first right (before the traffic light) onto College Street. Go up the hill and enter the last gate on the left, Gate 7. The Hogan Campus Center is the second building on the left with the large silver cross on it. Visitor parking is to the right of the Campus Center.  GOOGLE may provide door-to-door driving instructions.

From the Southeast

I-495 North to Massachusetts Turnpike I-90. Take Exit 10 to I-290 East toward Worcester. Take Exit 11 (College Square/Southbridge Street) off I-290. Cross over to the right lane immediately after coming off the ramp to College Square. Take the first right (before the traffic light) onto College Street. Go up the hill and enter the last gate on the left, Gate 7. The Hogan Campus Center is the second building on the left with the large silver cross on it. Visitor parking is to the right of the Campus Center.  GOOGLE may provide door-to-door driving instructions.

From the South (Providence, Rhode Island)
Route 146 North to Exit 12, McKeon Road/College Square. Take left off ramp and follow signs for I-290 West/College Square. Left at traffic light on McKeon Road. Follow overpass through several sets of lights and proceed straight up hill. Take left after fire station into Holy Cross on Loyola Road. Follow left curve which becomes McCarthy Lane. Continue up hill to upper campus. Visitor parking is straight ahead, last parking lot.

(Please view the Campus Maps and Parking)

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Lunch and Learn: Reverse your Thinking: The HECM for Purchase Loans for Seniors!

RE104R18: Understanding the Basics of Reverse Mortgage

Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Time: 11 AM – 1 PM

Register HERE

Learn more about the course HERE